請電洽客服專線: 04-2325-1324 林經理
Crystals Diamond nozzle ., Ceramic fogging nozzle
Marketing Director & V.P Mr.Polo & Jaler
TEL:+1 323 275 4177 FAX:+1 323 869 9986
E-Mail:[email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]
e-Fax: +1 510 405 8869 No.2054 S. Garfield Ave., Commerce, CA 90040
台灣 請電洽 0934-067489 林經理
TEL:+886-4-2338 0208 FAX::+886-4-2338 9265
The Fog nozzle is a micro-mist cooling system with many different functions such as making fog, lowering the temperature, adding humidity, suppressing dust particles, spray chemicals and other industrial usage. With its broad range of applications, depending on its use, all aspects of use can be planned and used with this piece of technology. The working principle of artificial fog is to apply approximately 50 KG ~ 100KG of water pressure through the fog nozzle with a built in anti-drip valve to create enough mist without getting too wet and will not leak while the system is off. Using a smaller orifice nozzle in the misting system, it will not just strengthen the cooling effect; it will also avoid too much wetness over a long period of operating the system.
Furthermore, the misting system increases the negative ions in the air, creating a healthier environment. In the era of global warming, there is a rising consumption of oil and electricity and with the micro-fog system it is one of the best ways to conserve energy and resources
Fogging system application |
fog systems, fogging system, fogging systems, fog nozzle application. |
INDUSTRIAL Aircondition & gases, circuit boards, coils, cooling towers, concrete curing,
construction, ginning, mining, odor control, outdoor work, paper making,
papermaking, plastic extrusion, pollution control, radiators, roofs, spinning,
storage, textiles ferment.
OUTDOOR AND COMMERCIAL Gas station, baseball field, tea product, zoo, market, Outdoor patios, personal misters,
amusement parks, golf, hotels, living areasres, taurants, spectator areas, tennis courts,
transit shelters.
AGRICULURE AND HORTICULTURE Flowers, foliar feeding, greenhouses, hydroponics, orchards, plants, propagation,
tissue culture, vineyards.
ANIMAL Aviaries, barns, diary, hogs, horses, kennels, livestock, poultry, zoos. |
水晶鑽-噴頭.噴嘴的用途・・・噴嘴能應用在哪些地方? |
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金屬管的防鏽油噴塗 |
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瓷磚的上釉 |
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做瓦愣板起模的染色標記 |
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鑄模的離型劑噴塗 |
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穀物儲存場的搬運作業 |
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防止塗層後粉塵附著 |
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水泥/攪拌工廠 |
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防止鑄造物搬送時的粉塵 |
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清除工廠內的燃燒瓦斯 |
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連續鑄造 |
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被包覆電線的伸張工程 |
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塑膠管的成形 |
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核電廠的爐外消防 |
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石油槽及瓦斯槽的消防設備 |
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油槽車的供油站 |
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火箭發射台的防火噴灑 |
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印刷工廠的溼度調整 |
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防止加工紙弧面裂開 |
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防止塑膠零件的靜電 |
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菇類培育 |
■潤滑 |
■清洗 |
■殺菌,消毒 |
■噴塗,塗層 |
■除去,剝離 |
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鐵板的潤滑及防鏽 |
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玻璃瓶的潤滑劑噴塗 |
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沖床工程的潤滑劑噴塗 |
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纜線的潤滑油塗佈 |
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清洗半導體晶圓 |
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廢氣的脫硫,除去戴奧辛 |
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水泥攪拌器的高壓清洗 |
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啤酒釀造桶的自動清洗 |
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寶特瓶蓋的消毒 |
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食品輸送帶的吸消毒液噴佈 |
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米飯容器的大腸菌對策 |
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大樓內清潔 |
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海綿蛋糕的糖漿噴塗 |
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映像管的噴塗防塵剤 |
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糖衣錠的著色 |
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建材用合板的接著劑噴佈 |
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製紙/去紙邊 |
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瓶的標籤剝離 |
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品管時的分離選擇 |
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玻璃板的除塵 |
精密陶瓷製品部 主題網站: http://www.house119.com.tw/y01001